Filter stuck in nail, new technology for filtering tea has come in the market, people said – ‘I will stop drinking tea!’

If you show anything related to tea to tea lovers, they start having a strong desire to drink tea. Because of this, you will see many reels related to tea on social media, in which people will be seen drinking or making tea. These videos get a lot of likes from tea lovers. But these days a video is going viral, after watching which perhaps tea lovers (Filtering tea with nail viral video) will stop drinking tea. That’s because in this a woman is using a strange technique to filter tea.

Instagram account @love_nail_yogesh is the account of nail artist Yogesh which is followed by more than 13 thousand people. On this account, the person creates designs of different types of nails (Nail with tea strainer viral video), posts their videos and promotes himself. Recently a video has been posted on the account which is going viral. That is because in this video the nail has been given the form of a filter.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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