Does liquor never spoil? Why is there no expiry date on the bottle?

Everything in the world has an expiry date, but this probably does not apply to alcohol. There is a common belief among us that alcohol never spoils. The older she is, the more pleasure she will give. For this reason there are many sayings regarding alcohol. Because of this belief, a person does not check the expiry date of liquor while buying it. But, this is not the complete truth. Liquor may also expire. This can be harmful. It can also be poisonous.

In fact, the belief that alcohol can never spoil is wrong. Over time, alcohol can spoil due to sun, wind and temperature. If the liquor bottle remains exposed to sunlight for a long time, it will become colourless. And when the color of the liquor changes, it means that its taste has also changed. According to the website, this liquor is basically made of alcohol. On the other hand, alcohol has a much longer shelf life. But apart from alcohol, there are other things in these beverages. Liquor, beer and wine, all three are made in different ways. However, the basic process of all these is formation.

Vodka, Vixy, Rum
All these alcoholic beverages are called liquor. These are made by rotting various grains. Grains are fermented with yeast. Then it is distilled. Certain liquors are distilled at several levels. The more the liquor is distilled, the higher the quality of the liquor it becomes. After this, when it is filled in the bottle, its formation stops. But, here experts advise you that when you open a bolt, you should end it between 6 to 8 months. After the bottle is opened, both the taste and color of the liquor starts changing. Liquor should be kept in dark and cool places. You can also keep it in the freezer but it is not necessary. The shelf life of liquor increases significantly by keeping it in a cool and dark place.

Different way of making beer
The method of making beer is different. However, this is also made by rotting grains. Water is also used judiciously in this. Generally a sealed beer can be drunk after 6 to 8 months. Its life increases further when kept in the fridge. It is said about beer that the alcohol content of which is more than eight percent has a longer shelf life.

Taste of old wine increases
Unlike beer and liquor, wine is usually made from grape juice and seeds. It is kept packed in a bottle for many years so that the taste increases. Generally good quality wine has a long shelf life but cheap wine should be expired within two years of its manufacturing date. Organic wine, that is, in which preservatives have not been used, should be consumed within three to six months.

Tags: OMG News

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