Dead water area is increasing in the world oxygen dissolved in water impact on life cycle


Dead Water in the world: You must have heard and seen the incident of fish dying in rivers and ponds many times, but do you know what the real problem is and how dangerous it is becoming. As important as external oxygen is for humans and creatures living on land, oxygen in water is equally important for creatures living in water. But oxygen in water is slowly getting depleted, due to which it can affect humans in the future.

In fact, the dead water area is increasing in all the water bodies of the world. That means oxygen is decreasing in the water. Scientists say that if this continues like this, then a big crisis can come across the world. Scientists believe that in such a situation, aquatic creatures will die rapidly, which will have a serious impact on humans as well.

Aquatic animals dying due to lack of oxygen
Dissolved oxygen (DO) in water is very important for a healthy aquatic economy. Be it a freshwater body or a saltwater sea. The organisms living in it will survive only as long as there is oxygen in it. Aquatic organisms are very important for humans, so if they die, the world will face a major crisis.

Due to these reasons, oxygen in water is decreasing
Scientists say that there are many reasons for the decrease in oxygen in water. One of these is the warming of water. Due to global warming, the water of water bodies around the world is getting warmer, due to which the oxygen in water is decreasing rapidly. Apart from this, the gases emitted from factories and their dirty water also rapidly absorb the oxygen dissolved in water. At the same time, the use of pesticides in large quantities in the fields is also having a bad effect on it. Such elements rapidly destroy the oxygen in water.

Decrease in water purity
Due to lack of oxygen in water, the organisms living in it start suffocating and thus die. Sooner or later, this affects the larger species as well. Scientists believe that deoxygenation is having a profound effect on the aquatic life cycle, which will also affect the quality of water. In such a situation, water will no longer remain pure and this will directly affect humans.

How much oxygen decreased in water
Scientists have reported that since 1950, the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has decreased by 2 percent. In some areas, a serious decrease of 20-50 percent has been observed. Scientists estimate that by the year 2100, there may be a 3-4 percent decrease in marine oxygen.

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