Chinese First Super Carrier could Give Challenge to Indian Navy

China’s first super carrier has returned to port after sea trials. This aircraft carrier, called Fujian, is the most advanced warship built by China. This is a major achievement in China’s military and naval capabilities. This is Type 003 class carrier.

This is the first aircraft designed in China Carrier Is. It has an integrated propulsion system and electromagnetics with catapults that replaced the old steam-powered catapults. This allows the aircraft to be launched accurately from the deck. The American Navy, considered technologically advanced in the world, has this technology and has used it in its warships. Fujian may soon start trials on aircraft on its carrier. After this the warship will be declared ready. China’s plan to develop aircraft carriers is part of its efforts to enhance naval capabilities, particularly in the Indian Ocean region. The weight of this warship is approximately 80,000 tons.

China’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, was a Soviet-era ship. It was purchased from Ukraine in 1998. This carrier was incomplete and was not being used. It was later refit and inducted into the People’s Liberation Army Navy in 2012. Liaoning is mainly used for training and is China It is a symbol of the rapidly growing military power of India. The second carrier, China, was Shandong. It was the first carrier built in China. It joined the Navy in December, 2019. It is considered to be a modernized variant of Liaoning. Shenyang J-15 fighter aircraft was deployed on it. China’s Navy is also developing fighter aircraft J-35. It can be deployed on Fujian.

The Indian Navy has two aircraft carriers – INS Vikramaditya and INS Vikrant. The Indian Navy has been wanting to field a large-capability aircraft carrier for over a decade. However, due to its high cost, approval for this has not been received from the Central Government. According to an estimate, the cost of a warship of similar capability to Fujian would be around seven billion dollars. Apart from this, huge expenditure will also have to be incurred on deploying new fighter aircraft on this warship.

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