China minister Liu Jianchao warned Pakistani Amry Chief Shahbaz Sharif Imran Khan on CPEC security, also gave warning

Liu Jianchao visits Pakistan: Seeing 60 billion dollars stuck in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in Pakistan, the Chinese government has started putting pressure on Pakistan. Just a few days ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping met Pakistan PM Shahbaz Sharif and Army Chief General Asim Munir. After this, now another powerful Chinese minister has reached Islamabad, Pakistan.

China’s Foreign Minister and President’s special minister Liu Jianchao met Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Army Chief in Pakistan’s capital Islamabad. Not only this, he also called people from Imran Khan’s party. A meeting of all the parties was held and after this the Chinese minister clearly told the Pakistani leaders that until there is internal stability in Pakistan, they should forget that China is going to invest.

Shahbaz Sharif got embarrassed

It is being speculated that Liu Jianchao has hinted Imran Khan The question was about the ongoing dispute with the army of China. The Chinese minister said that instability is increasing all over the world. In such a situation, stability is very important for development in the country. A few days ago, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif had gone to China to demand urban dollars for four projects of Pakistan, but Jinping sent him back empty-handed. After this, Shahbaz Sharif was criticized in Pakistan. All kinds of questions started arising about the future of CPEC.

Xi Jinping has given warning to Pakistan

China is spending billions of dollars to advance CPEC, but in the last few years many of its people have been killed, for which Chinese President Xi Jinping has also warned Pakistan. The Chinese leader clearly says that development can happen only when all political parties of a country ensure political and social stability. Liu Jianchao said that we are completely ready to upgrade CPEC, but we have to ensure security for it and create a complete environment for business. New says that security threat is the biggest obstacle in cooperating in CPEC.

Security issues hinder development

Liu Jianchao said that the biggest issue for Chinese investors is security in Pakistan. He says that without security, it is not appropriate to create a business environment and it hinders development.

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