Can you also see this stick? Be careful before taking it in your hand, it is not a piece of wood…

Many types of creatures live in the world. Many new species are also discovered every day. There are some creatures about which we have information, while there are some creatures which are not caught even though they are in front of our eyes. The reason for this is the specialty given to them by God. Actually, every living being in the world has to protect itself from enemies i.e. prey. Now either he should have the strength to defeat his enemy or he should have the quality of hiding. With this he will not be visible to his enemy. A video of one such creature adept at hiding was shared on social media.

It is impossible to catch this creature at first sight. It looks just like a piece of wood. Its shape is exactly like wood and its color is also similar. Even if someone sees it in the forest, no one will consider it an insect. Even when the person showed this insect in his hand, people still considered it to be a piece of wood. Until this insect showed its true form.

This is how he cheats
The video of this stick insect was shared on social media site Instagram. As soon as this insect senses that there is danger nearby, it changes its form into a stick. It becomes absolutely stable. After this, even if someone takes it in his hand, he would not be able to realize that it is an insect. After this, when you throw it away thinking it is wood, it will come back to its original form and run away from there.

people were surprised
As soon as its video was shared, people were surprised. Many people wrote in the comments that until they saw it running, they thought this video was fake. When this insect understands that the danger has passed, then it shows its legs, antennae and eyes. It is because of this specialty that it remains safe from predators. Along with this, it hunts with the help of this speciality. This video has been viewed millions of times so far.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, The news is coming, Weird news

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