Buffaloes showed arrogance to the ‘King of the Jungle’, got up and kicked, you will be amazed after watching the video!

When it comes to the jungle, you remember the lion, the king of the jungle, as the most powerful animal here. If this dreaded animal comes in front of anyone, his death is considered certain. You must have heard about very few animals that can compete with a lion. Some animals gather their courage and escape from the clutches of the lion, but no one has the courage to harm them.

Various types of videos keep going viral on social media. In these, people like the videos related to wild animals and their hunting. You must have seen many times the scene of the lion, the king of the jungle, brutally hunting other animals. , However, in the video that we will show you today, a different scene is visible.

The buffaloes defied the lion
In the video going viral, you can see that the king of the jungle is trapped among a herd of buffaloes. If lions are in a herd and the buffalo is alone, then it starts running to save its life, but here the buffaloes are in a herd and the lion is lying on the ground. The buffaloes have surrounded him. Meanwhile, an angry buffalo starts hitting the lion with its horn. The rest of the herd also attacks him. During this, the lion also tries to run away but the herd is seen chasing him and thrashing him.

See also- Wildlife Video: People thought the lion was digging his own grave, but he was engaged in some other jugaad!

The king of the jungle didn’t do anything…
This video has been shared on social media platform X (earlier Twitter) with an account named @TheBrutalNature. Till the time of writing the news, 1 lakh 43 thousand people have seen it, while more than 3 thousand people have liked it. Commenting on the video, it has been said that there was no lion here. One user wrote – These are deleted scenes of Lion King.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Amazing wildlife video, Wildlife Viral Video

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