Bastar finds notes on fake currency while investigating Naxals in Sukma ann

Naxal Prints Fake Currency: In Chhattisgarh, Maoist organizations are not able to collect money for the last few years due to increasing pressure from the police and the opening of more than 80 police camps in the interior areas. Due to which they are getting financially weak. Also, due to the destruction of the urban network of Naxalites by Bastar Police, the supply of weapons to Naxalites has also reduced.

The result of this is that Naxalites are printing fake notes, recently Sukma police has disclosed this, when the soldiers raided the temporary camp of Naxalites, they recovered a printer for printing fake notes, a large amount of ink and copies of fake notes of 100, 200 and 500 rupees. It is believed by the security agencies that Naxalites were planning to make fake notes in this way in future and were printing fake notes of 100, 200 and 500 rupees through the printer on a trial basis.

However, after its disclosure, all the security agencies working in Bastar have become fully alert and are also investigating the fake notes. Top police officials believe that the economically weak Naxalites may try to make fake notes like this in future and circulate them in the market. Therefore, the police is already being cautious.

Maoist organization became financially weak
Naxalites in Bastar are seen adopting different means of earning, sometimes they try to collect money through cultivation of ganja and sometimes through levy collection. Recently, a case of Naxalites circulating fake notes has come to light for the first time. In such a situation, the concern of the police and administration has increased. Security agencies are also investigating how many fake notes have been circulated in the market so far. After the revelation of fake notes being printed by Maoists, Bastar IG Sundarraj P has also appealed to the villagers to check the notes thoroughly in the markets held in the interior areas in the Haat bazaars.

Here, after the disclosure of printing of fake notes by Naxalites, all Naxal-affected states have also been alerted and security agencies are engaged in investigating this matter. IG says that the economic connection of the Naxalite organization has been completely broken, the Maoist organization has become weak due to the continuous Naxal operation being carried out by the security forces, this is the reason that Naxalites are trying to print fake notes and sell them in the market. However, the security forces have completely exposed the fake currency of the Maoists, in such a situation, Bastar IG has also appealed to be cautious while transacting with the villagers of the interior areas.

Security agency is working by forming a team to catch fake notes
It is noteworthy that the soldiers raided the temporary camps of the Maoists in Korraguda under Bhejji police station area of ​​Sukma district and the Maoists escaped from the spot. But during the search, the soldiers recovered documents of printing fake notes, as well as seized printer, ink and many fake notes of 100, 200 and 500 rupees. This is the first time in Chhattisgarh that a case of printing of fake notes by Naxalites has come to light.

At present, the security agency is fully engaged in its investigation and is also working by forming teams in different Naxal-affected districts of Bastar division. At present, it is also believed that if the Naxalites become successful in this business of printing fake notes, then it can also affect the country’s economy.

read this also: 6 Naxalites who attacked the Cobra Battalion in Sukma were arrested, 2 soldiers were martyred in the attack

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