Bangkok Hotel death Cyanide poisoning likely killed six found dead in luxury Grand Hyatt Hotel including two US citizens Thailand police say


: Grand Hyatt Hotel The death of 6 foreign nationals in a Bangkok hotel is being discussed all over the world. The police have also received surprising information in this. Now the angle of poison has come to the fore. According to the Thailand police, among the dead were 2 Americans and 4 Vietnamese citizens. Among them are three women and three men. All of them had stayed in the Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel in Bangkok for the past few days, but on Tuesday afternoon all of them were found dead in their rooms. Now the report has found traces of cyanide in the bodies of these people. The forensic department of Thailand police says that traces of cyanide have been confirmed in the cups and tea thermoses found in the room. The chemical has also been found in the blood samples of the deceased. Cyanide has been found in all the tea cups. No injury marks have been found on the bodies.

Also ordered food, but died before checkout
Police investigation revealed that all of them came to the hotel on different dates and on 15th July, all of them shifted to a luxury suite. Food was also served in the room on the afternoon of 15th July. Everyone had to check out on Monday, but later the hotel staff found everyone dead. The table on which the food was kept was lying as it was, meaning no one had even eaten it.

Police is also considering this angle as the reason
According to Bangkok police, a married couple was among the six people. These two had invested about 2 lakh 78 thousand dollars with 2 other people. This could also be a reason for consuming poison. This investment was made to open a hospital in Japan. It is possible that all of them had gathered to solve the same matter. Police say that one of these people has killed all the others. The rooms in the hotel were booked by a 7th person. However, no evidence of this has been found yet.