At birth, the baby girl had all 32 teeth, some people praised her, but she got the reply, this is not a joke!


Usually, when children are born, they do not have teeth. Teething starts at the age of two to three years and it takes many years for the entire dentition to appear. But what if all the teeth of a child are present at the time of birth? A viral video has been shared to spread awareness about this condition. In this, a woman has mentioned this condition of her newborn baby girl. People have made mixed comments on this. While some people have praised the beauty of the girl, some people have said to take it seriously.

In the video, the woman has written on the slideshow video of pictures that her daughter was born with full teeth. And she is doing all this to spread awareness about this condition. People have also commented a lot on this video. Some people have liked the girl’s smile a lot, while some have found the girl scary.

In this video shared on Instagram, many people have insisted on taking it seriously and said that this is not a joke. Some people have also tried to express sympathy towards the mother. One user even said that this is actually called Steve Harvey condition. The video has been shared on Instagram from the nika.diwa account. Which has been viewed by 2.96 crore people so far.