America making GBU 72 Bomb for Bunker Blast know what is special in 2270 KG GBU 72 bomb

American Bunker Blaster Bomb: There are many air attacks during the war in the world and to avoid these air attacks, big bunkers are being built in different countries. At the same time, to avoid the US air attack, its enemy countries are going to build deep bunkers. All the countries from China, North Korea to Iran are building military facilities, but America is no less. It is making bunker blast bombs to attack bunkers.

A bomb made in America was seen in the Mojave Desert in March. A photo was taken of a US Air Force Boeing B 1 bomber refueling from a US Air Force KC-135 tanker. In this photo, a large bomb was also present under the B1 bomber.

GBU-72 weighs 2270 kg

Aviation expert David Cenciotti was the first person to see this picture. At first he thought that this bomb could be GBU-31, which is a 900 kg satellite guided bomb, but when he saw this picture closely, he found out that it was not GBU-31. This was a new bomb, which is rarely seen, GBU-72 which weighs 2270 kg. This is the bomb that is enough to destroy a bunker. It is made in such a way that before destroying the bunker, it can first target the soil rocks.

Which is America’s deadliest bomb?

America has GBU-71, which is one of the special bombs. Along with high-tech fuse and solid cover, it is a satellite guided bunker-buster. It is small in size, but it cannot be judged by its size. The smaller it is, the more destruction it can cause. This means that America has excellent quality bunker blasters. One is GBU-28 and the other is GBU-57 weighing 12250 kg. GBU-28, which is small in size, can be carried anywhere by Boeing F-15E fighter planes, but it can target only up to a depth of 200 meters. GBU-57 can also target up to 200 meters, but it is so big that only big Air Force planes can carry it.

What is its specialty

The US Air Force says that we do not know how deep the GBU-72 will go before exploding, but the GBU-72 will be more lethal and dangerous than older explosives like GBU-28. According to the report, the GBU-72 may not be as powerful as the giant GBU-57, but it will have to depend on a few selected aircraft of the US Air Force to carry it. Let us tell you that the US Air Force first experimented with the GBU-57 through the F-15 A in 2021.

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