Alien Mummy with three fingers found in Peru fingerprint not matching with humans


Alien Mummy Peru: Did aliens come to this earth or can they come in the future? Scientists around the world are engaged in research on these topics. As of now, humans have not encountered aliens directly, but the case that has come to light from Peru is shocking. Scientists have made shocking claims about the mummy found in Peru. Scientists said that the pattern of humans has not been found in this mummy.

Actually, farmers in Peru found amazing mummies while working in the fields, which had long heads and three fingers. Fingerprint analysis of these alien mummies found in Peru has revealed to scientists that they are not of humans. Scientists analyzed these mummies found in the Nazca region in January, in which it was found that these mummies were made of paper, metal, human and animal bones. These mummies were found by local farmers, which were later handed over to scientists for research.

Fingerprints do not match humans
The mummies found in Peru had long skulls and three-fingered hands, and since then research has been going on about them. Daily Mail News spoke to Joshua McDowell, a former Colorado prosecutor who examined one of these mummies. The prosecutor said that the toes and fingers of these mummies do not match those of humans. McDowell had inspected an alien mummy marked ‘Maria’. He said that her fingerprints do not match those of any known human.

McDowell said that he is a former lawyer and has seen many fingerprints in his life. No loops or circles have been found in these fingerprints. He said that the fingerprints of the alien mummy named Maria did not match with humans at all. He said that it is too early to make a definite statement on this issue without deep study.

Forensic team told mummy to be a doll
On the other hand, in January, forensic experts from Peru’s prosecution office completely rejected the notion that these are creatures from another planet. Forensic archaeologist Flavio Estrada led the team that analyzed the mummies this year. He has said that it is clear that these are not extraterrestrial beings, they are not even aliens. They are modern dolls made from the bones of animals from this planet and synthetic glue.

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