AK-47 rifle most famous in world Russian rifle first choice of world most wanted

History of AK-47: AK-47 is counted among the most dangerous weapons in the world. This is a rifle that is used by the armies of many countries of the world. Apart from the armies, AK-47 is also the first choice of terrorists. From Al Qaeda to ISIS, everyone uses this rifle. Many pictures of Osama bin Laden are viral on social media, in which he is seen carrying an AK-47. The general use of AK-47 is banned in India, but dreaded gangs have also been using this rifle. From Dawood Ibrahim’s D Company to Shriprakash Shukla, everyone has been using AK-47 in India. The specialty of this rifle has made it the most favorite rifle in the world.

In fact, after the Second World War, the Soviet Union started making a weapon that could bridge the gap between the old rifle and machine gun. The responsibility of making this new weapon was given to tank commander Mikhail Kalashnikov. Kalashnikov designed the world’s most famous rifle AK-47. Mikhail had no experience in making guns, despite this he started working on this new weapon. The full name of this rifle is ‘Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947’, which is abbreviated as AK-47.

AK-47 has the lowest maintenance
When Kalashnikova introduced the AK-47, it was a very ugly rifle compared to the Western ones. While the weapons of the West were very beautiful and carved wood and polished, the design of the AK-47 was very simple. The design of the AK-47 may not be beautiful but it is very strong and reliable. This rifle is also very easy to use. This rifle can be used even in mud, water and sand, even if it is not cleaned for many months, it is capable of destroying an entire army. Its speciality made the AK-47 popular all over the world.

AK-47 forced America
During the Cold War, the Soviet Union produced it in large quantities and sold it all over the world. According to an estimate, there are 7.5 crore AK-47s in the world today. During the Vietnam War, the AK-47 gave the US Army a tough time. To compete with the AK-47, the US sent M-16 weapons to Vietnam. This weapon, although quite advanced, could not stand against the AK-47. This was because the M-16 was repeatedly jamming in the humid jungle, while the AK-47 has no such problem.

Photo with AK-47 became a symbol of pride
Many rebel organizations around the world, including Hezbollah, have used the AK-47 on their flags. Major criminals and rebels around the world feel proud to be photographed with the AK-47. Kalashnikov, the inventor of the AK-47, died in 2013, but this rifle had become very popular during his lifetime. Kalashnikov has expressed both pride and regret over his rifle.

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