A years-old secret was buried under the carpet in the house! The rotten wood showed the way to the ‘other world’, everyone was shocked!

Earlier, people used to build secret rooms and cupboards in most old houses. The reason behind this was to keep the house safe from theft and robbery. People used to hide their valuables in these secret places. Meanwhile, if that person died, then that secret of that house remained buried forever. The story of one such house is going viral on social media. The matter is of the United Kingdom, where a person living there sold his centuries-old house. Perhaps he was not aware of the secret of this house, inside which there was a way to go to ‘another world’. Since this house was very dilapidated, the buyer saw that secret room during the repair.

Let us tell you that this house in the UK was built 124 years ago. Over the years, the condition of the house went from bad to worse. The family members were not able to handle the ancestral heritage. The wood of the house was infested with termites and the house was on the verge of collapse. In such a situation, this years old house was bought by Ben Mann and his wife Kimberly in the year 2020. Since the condition of the house was very bad. In such a situation, the new homeowners started getting their house repaired. During this, when the carpet laid under the bedroom was lifted to clean it, a secret was revealed which they did not know. For a moment, they were stunned. Actually, the floor under the carpet was made of wood which was broken. When they lifted it, they saw a staircase below, where it went, both of them had no idea.

Mustering courage, 39-year-old Ben decided to climb down the stairs. But as soon as he reached there, he saw a different world. Liquor was stored in this secret room below. Talking to an English website, Ben said that if the wood of the floor was not rotten, then perhaps he would never have noticed this secret room. Since the wood was rotten and it was also smelling very bad, so he was getting it renovated. After the secret was revealed, the couple has completely renovated this part.

hidden room in bedroom, hidden secret room found, old house behind wooden floorbed

Gave a new look to the secret room!
The couple has given a new look to this secret room located under the house. The couple has built a bar there, which has a sofa and a projector. The couple has named it Man Gufa. You will be surprised to know, but let us tell you that the couple has done the entire renovation of their house themselves, which also saved the cost of renovation. However, many people are curious to know about this ‘other world’. They express their desire to see it once.

Tags: Amazing and wonderful, The news has hit the, OMG News, Property, shocking news

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