A Russian girl was sitting under a tree, a passing street vendor gave her something, she jumped with joy and said – there is nothing better than this!


In the age of social media, it is not possible to say when and what will go viral. Sometimes we see such things which we cannot even imagine. Leave alone Indians, even foreigners come to our country and make videos and become famous by sharing them on social media. Some foreign boys and girls have become influencers in India.

A Russian girl liked India so much that she is roaming around every inch of it. She has shared a video of herself. The girl was tired of walking in the hot sun and she was sitting under a tree. Meanwhile, a vendor passing by gave her something that made her almost jump with joy. Let’s watch the video.

Street vendor gave something that gave ‘relief’ in summer…
In the viral video, it can be seen that a Russian girl named Mary is tired of roaming around and she sits under a tree. She is feeling very hot. Meanwhile, a street vendor comes to sell tubes of Pepsi Ice. The girl becomes very happy to see this and quickly buys Pepsi Ice for Rs 10 and starts enjoying it. She also tells that it is reminding her of her childhood, so she quickly bought it.