A man jumped into the sea and was immediately eaten alive by a 9-foot long shark, his frightened wife kept watching silently!

Jumping into the sea is a daring act, but sometimes it can be risky and even fatal. Something similar happened with a man whose one-spot decision cost him his life. When he jumped into the sea from the dock, an unexpected shark lurking below attacked him. The sad part of the whole incident was that his wife could do nothing but watch as an eyewitness.

The splashes of water caused by Thaddeus Kubinski’s jump provoked the animal to attack, tearing large pieces of its torso off and turning the water red. Kubinski’s wife, 69, could only watch in horror as a scene reminiscent of the movie Jaws unfolded before her, and one she had no control over. She decided to climb down the ladder and get into the water. But what happened was terrifying.

The 9-foot, 400-pound bull shark was feeding in shallow water when it bit Thaddeus on his right side. The bite lacerated his rib cage and ruptured his liver, killing him. Medical examiners later revealed that the shark bite was a crescent-shaped mark that extended about 15 inches from his right armpit to his hip.

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He was not the only person in the sea when he jumped off the dock, but because he was close by, he was the one who was attacked by the shark. (Representative image: Canva)

“She was out there looking for food and going about her normal life,” marine biologist George H. Burgess, director of the International Shark Attack File at the University of Florida, told the Tampa Bay Times. One of the couple’s five sons later told reporters that his mother could not get the image of her husband’s horrified face out of her mind, later telling him that she saw the animal’s dorsal fin that resembled the shark from the movie “Jaws.”

The 2000 incident resurfaced in a video posted on the Fears channel on YouTube earlier this week, garnering thousands of views and many comments, with one saying: “Very sad story. God bless and prayers for the family.”

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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