A girl gets married to a middle-aged woman, the wife is 37 years older than her, seeing them people understand that it is a mother-daughter pair!

It is said that love is blind, it does not see caste, religion, community, color, appearance, etc. But in today’s changing environment, love does not even see age and gender. In today’s era, man loves man openly and woman does not hesitate in loving woman. A similar case is with two women from England (England girl marries 37 year old woman) who appear to be mother and daughter, but are actually wives.

According to the report of The Sun website, 29 year old Julia Zelg and 66 year old Eileen de Freest were married in 2019. There is an age gap of 37 years between the two. Because of this, when people see them, they consider them to be a pair of mother and daughter. Many people also troll them, but they do not feel bad about what others say, they both love each other very much.

young woman marry elderly woman london

Seeing both of them, people consider them as a mother-daughter pair. (Photo: Instagram/juliazelg)

The couple is in an open marriage
Both Julia and Eileen are lesbian couples and some problems arose in their relationship during the lockdown. Since then they decided to be more open in their marriage. She made the marriage an open marriage, which means that despite being married, she is dating other people too. But they are completely honest with each other and do not hide anything. Julia is a YouTuber and singer and lives in London with her wife.

Have to listen to people’s taunts
Julia told that she likes to be involved in relationships with other people, whereas Aileen likes intelligent people, she believes in heart-to-heart connection more than romance. Both of them not only love each other, but also date people according to their own needs. Julia is in love with Eileen, but she prefers girls, whereas Eileen is quiet and likes to associate with people of her age. Both of them have no problem with this relationship. But people have a lot of objections to this relationship.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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