A baby born just 2 hours ago was killed, this British nurse was happy to see the newborn in pain

A case has come to light from Britain, where a 33-year-old nurse of a hospital killed a child born 2 hours ago. Being a hospital employee, it is the duty of a nurse to protect people, but this nurse strangled an innocent child instead. 

British nurse Lucy Letby has been convicted in this case and has been sentenced on 5 July. This is not the first case of murder of a newborn child. Lucy has already been jailed on charges of murdering 7 newborns. She has been sentenced to life imprisonment. The case we are talking about is actually of 2016. The newborn girl killed in this case has been named Baby K."text-align: justify;">The breathing tube was tampered with

The baby girl that Lucy killed was actually born about 15 weeks before her due date and because of this she was a premature baby. The weight of this baby was only 1.52 pounds i.e. less than 1 kg. Lucy had tampered with the tube used for the breathing of the baby and had also switched off the baby monitor. 

She stood by but did not help

During the hearing of the case in the court, the prosecutor said that senior doctor of the hospital Ravi Jayaram had caught Lucy red handed. Dr Jayaram had come to the children’s ward for a routine checkup and he saw that Lucy was standing near the bed of baby K and the breathing tube was removed and she was having difficulty in breathing. Despite seeing this, Lucy was not doing anything to help the child. 

He was sentenced to life imprisonment

The doctor said that Baby K was shifted to another hospital for treatment, but the baby could not survive. Let us tell you that this case was heard last year as well, but the judge was unable to reach any decision. Lucy has completely rejected the accused of killing the newborn. Last year, Lucy was also sentenced to life imprisonment in the month of August."text-align: justify;">She used to target sick or premature babies

In most of the cases of children whose murder the nurse was convicted of, the children were either sick or were born prematurely. These murders committed by Lucy took place between June 2015 and June 2016 at Chester Hospital in Conest, northwest England. The nurse was arrested three times between July 2018 and November 2020. She was also released twice and charges were framed in 2020. 

Deaths occurred while Lucy was on shift

During the hearing, the prosecutor had said that the nurse was entrusted with the responsibility of protecting vulnerable children and the nurse killed the children in such a way that no evidence could be seen. Not only this, the employees working with Lucy also told that the children used to die when Lucy was on shift. However, she used to assure her employees that the death was natural. Lucy used to talk about bathing the children, dressing them and taking their pictures and when they died, she used to look very happy after that."text-align: justify;">I am evil, I did this… written note

During the investigation, when the police reached the nurse’s house, they found a note in which it was written that I am evil, I have done this. Lucy clarified this in the court and said that she had written this note when she was given the job of a clerk after the death of two-three children. She felt that she had done something wrong.

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