‘Will you take me home?’ There was no reservation in the train, the man started fighting to sit on someone else’s seat!


Many people travel without tickets in trains. Many people do not have confirmed tickets, due to which they have to travel in RAC or waiting. Such people try to request someone to give them a seat to sit on. But some people have a habit of stealing and then showing off! A person who was travelling in a train without reservation (Man fight for seat in train viral video) did the same. He did not have a seat of his own, but he started insisting on sitting on someone else’s seat. The video of that man is going viral.

Shocking videos related to fights (Reserve seat fight in train video) are often posted on the Twitter account @gharkekalesh. Recently a video has been shared in which two people are seen arguing. The reason for the argument is very strange. It is clearly visible that the other person is at fault, but despite being wrong, he continues fighting.