What I picked up thinking it was a waste paper, after 13 years it turned into ‘gold’, the owner is going to be rich!


Life is a very strange thing. Things are so uncertain here that we cannot even understand when the circumstances will go in our favour or against us. Especially, nothing can be said about when the door of your luck will open. Something similar happened with a boy, who had picked up a simple thing from the garbage in his childhood, which later made him rich.

At a very young age, a child from England found something with his keen eyes that opened the doors of his fortune. Hardly anyone would have been able to find something like this 11-year-old child from the garbage. Even he would not have expected that such a simple looking thing would give him so much benefit.

‘Gold’ seen in garbage
According to the Daily Star report, a man named Matt Winter had found something in his childhood which benefited him a lot when he grew up. At the age of 11, Matt Winter, a resident of Cranbrook in Kent, saw a woman throwing away a garbage bag. There were black and white waste papers in the bag. Matt asked her if he could take these papers? After the woman agreed, he kept one of the engraved paintings ‘Knight, Death and the Devil’ with himself. However, he had no idea how much benefit it was going to give him.

‘Garbage’ is ready to be sold for lakhs
13 years later, Matt Winter, at the age of 24, found out that this painting was not an ordinary one, but it was by the great German-born artist Albrecht Dürer. He made it in 1513. This painting made during the Renaissance period is being auctioned by Rare Book Auctions. Its price is going to be at least Rs 22 lakhs or it can go even higher. Jim, the director of Rare Book Auctions, said that he checked it thoroughly and understood that no one other than Dürer could have made it. It will be auctioned on September 18.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Bizarre news, Viral news