171 year old liquor found drowned in the Baltic Sea police deployed for security worth this much


Champagne in the Baltic Sea: Divers have found treasure in the Baltic Sea. Divers have discovered a ship that was sunk for 171 years and was laden with bottles of champagne. This ship is said to be from the 19th century. Polish divers who searched on the coast of Sweden said that this ship was sunk in the sea for a long time and was laden with luxury wine. The team that searched for the wreck said that bottles of champagne, mineral water and porcelain were found on the ship. According to the website of the search firm, it is one of the most active divers searching in the Baltic Sea and has taken pictures of thousands of wrecks so far.

Tomas Stachura, the leader of the search team, said that this is the most unique discovery among the recent discoveries. Stachura said that he has been diving for 40 years, usually he finds one or two bottles, but on this ship he has found about 100 bottles. He said that he has never found so much stuff in the sea. He called this discovery a coincidence.

The cargo on the ship is completely safe
Stachura said that his team was searching for new places, during which they found this debris. He said that his team did not expect that there would be precious things on this ship, so they were hesitant to dive, but some members of the team agreed to dive and they found such precious things. He said that even today the debris on the ship is completely safe and a huge amount of goods is loaded on it.

The water found in the sea is also precious
The team leader said in his post that the ship is carrying so much goods that it is difficult to assess it. Stachura said that the divers were very excited after finding champagne, but the water found in the bottles is also priceless. This water is from a mineral spring in central Germany. This water has been sent all over the world for 800 years.

Wine made in 1850 found
The team’s videographer Marek Kakaj said that the name of the German brand ‘Selters’ is written on the clay bottles. This company still produces it today. According to the website, the value of the goods found on the ship is so high that police have been deployed for its security. The champagne found on the ship was made between 1850-1867. The company in which the bottles were packed with luxury liquor still exist, the company is being contacted for more information.

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