Bastar Transport City Bus Operation stopped in Jagdalpur Commissioner Claim Buses Converted into Junk ANN | Operation of city buses stopped in Jagdalpur, Corporation Commissioner said


Bastar News Today: The city bus service in Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh has been stalled for the last 3 years. A large section of the population is being affected due to the stoppage of city bus operations in the divisional headquarters Jagdalpur. Despite many efforts, the city bus service has not been able to get back on track.

In fact, students have to take autos to go to colleges and universities located in Dharampura area of ​​Jagdalpur city. Similarly, public transport facility is not available to go to the medical college in Dimrapal, located 10 km away from the city.

‘City buses have turned into junk’
Similarly, a large number of employees and patients have to go to the medical college every day. Apart from this, public transport facility is also not available to go to tourist places like Chitrakote, Tirathgarh from Jagdalpur.

Corporation Commissioner Harish Mandavi says that all city buses have stopped running since the Corona period. At present, city buses are now turning into junk. About Rs 25 lakh will have to be spent to bring these buses on the roads.

The corporation commissioner says that soon a new contract will be given for the operation of city buses. First the vehicles will be repaired using the security money received, after which the operation of city buses will be started.

The scheme was started 11 years ago
In fact, city bus was started about 11 years ago during the BJP rule to provide passenger transport facility at low cost to the people of rural areas besides Jagdalpur city.

Under this scheme, Jagdalpur city got more than 12 city buses, but the operation of these buses has been stopped for the last 6 years. Due to which buses worth crores are turning into junk while standing in the yard.

Employment and business had increased after the start of bus service
After the introduction of the city bus service, people in rural areas of Bastar had found it very easy to commute. Apart from the villagers, rural college students were also getting the city bus service at an affordable cost.

Apart from this, when the city bus service connected the rural areas to Jagdalpur city, there was a huge increase in business here. However, for the past several years, the city bus service is turning into junk due to lack of maintenance.

Private bus operators are charging arbitrary fares
It is being told that due to improper maintenance of these buses, all the buses have become junk standing there. Due to which there has been a loss of crores of rupees. Villagers say that at present arbitrary fares are charged from them through private passenger bus operators.

People are not allowed to travel in these buses for short distances. Even if they are allowed to travel in private buses, they are charged arbitrary fares. People going to nearby villages were also getting convenience due to the operation of city buses.

This demand is rising for city bus
Experts of Bastar say that at present no contractor is coming forward to operate these city buses, in such a situation these buses can be completely repaired and given on rent to the unemployed of Bastar for operation.

Due to which they will get employment and people will also get the facility of transportation. The administration should take initiative for this. However, Corporation Commissioner Harish Mandavi says that once again a contract will be taken for operating the city bus.

Corporation Commissioner Harish Mandavi said that the buses will be repaired with the security money coming from this contract and after that their operation will be started again. However, it may take some more time for this.

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