The girl became ‘blind’ in love, her heart broke, so she herself burst both her eyes, the story will shake your soul…


There are different types of people in the world. Some are so strong that they face even the biggest problems with a smile but some are so weak that they are ready to give up their lives over small things. They resort to drugs to escape from their problems and this addiction grows so much that sometimes such accidents happen that ruin a good life.

According to the report of Daily Star, the same thing happened with a girl named Kaylee Muthart. She was only 20 years old when her heart was broken in love. However, what she did after this will make your soul tremble. Her madness almost ended the girl’s future life.

Betrayal in love made the situation worse
While falling in love at a young age is a beautiful feeling, sometimes this love becomes so serious that people are unable to handle it. The same thing happened with Kaylee Muthart. At the age of 20, she was heartbroken for the first time and became mentally very upset. She also suffered from bipolar disorder, in which she behaved like two different people. At the same time, she also became addicted to drugs so that she could forget her pain. However, one day under the influence of drugs, she did something that would send shivers down anyone’s spine.

I gouged out my eyes with my own hands
While talking to Cosmopolitan, Kaylee said that at that time I felt that if anyone can save this world, it is me. If I don’t take out my eyes right now, everyone will die. In such a situation, Kaylee herself took out her eyes using her thumb and two fingers. Since she was drunk, she did not feel any pain. Later, with the help of her family, she recovered, but her eyes were lost forever. However, Kaylee is still struggling to live her life normally and her family is supporting her.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news