Forget the tension of losing your job! Start a sanitization business during the coronavirus lockdown, you will earn lakhs


New Delhi. Due to the corona virus, many businesses in the country are on the verge of closure. But after this lockdown, many new business opportunities are also going to be created (Business Opportunities in India after Lockdown). Yes, today we are giving you information about one such new business. After the corona virus lockdown, people will have to get their buildings, vehicles and many other places sanitized. Now the lockdown has also been relaxed a bit. So there are full chances of this business running as soon as it starts.

At this time, roads, railway stations, trains, vehicles, auto rickshaws, houses are being sanitized. Wherever there is even the slightest possibility of infection, it is immediately sanitized. In offices, a rule has been made to do sanitization before working.

How much will be the income-If you start this business, you can earn a lot in a short time. It takes 15-20 minutes to sanitize a two-wheeler. You can easily earn 20-30 rupees in this. You can even earn more than this.

It will take 20-25 minutes to sanitize a 4 wheeler. You can earn 500 rupees or even more for this. If you sanitize even 10 vehicles in a day, you can earn 5000 rupees. In this way, your monthly income can be around 1.5 lakh rupees.

How to start (How to Start Sanitation Business in India)-At present, many automatic machines are available in the market. With which it is very easy to sanitize vehicles. You can choose the machines according to your budget.

It is very important to sanitize all the vehicles that are plying on the roads at this time. Here you need to keep one thing in mind that whatever work you do, it will have to be done under the guidelines of the government.

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Tags: Business from home, Business Opportunities, Coronavirus pandemic, india lockdown