People from all over the world are ordering turmeric from India! You can also earn millions through this- Turmeric Farming latest News how to do turmeric farming in India Know Everything


New Delhi. Due to the corona virus epidemic, people are being advised to boost their immunity all over the world. This is the reason why turmeric is being used as an immunity booster and its demand is increasing rapidly. The demand for turmeric has increased from the Middle East, America, Europe and Southeast Asian countries for turmeric export to India. After this, the price of turmeric has increased by 4 percent to Rs 60-62 per kilogram in the last one week. Let us tell you that the demand for turmeric has increased in the retail chains of the United Kingdom, Germany, and Holland. Starbucks is also selling turmeric milk, after which this trend has increased globally. The demand for fresh turmeric has increased by about 5 times. In such a situation, you have a big opportunity to earn. Let’s know all the important information related to turmeric cultivation

India is the largest turmeric producing country in the world- First of all, let us tell you that during the financial year 2019-20, a total of 9,38,955 tonnes of turmeric was produced in the country, out of which 1,01,500 tonnes were exported till December 2019. India is the largest producer of turmeric in the world, which is 70 to 75 percent of the total global production. It has been estimated that by the financial year 2020-21, turmeric exports may increase to 15 percent. However, turmeric sales were not very good in the first quarter of this year.

Watch all the important information related to turmeric cultivation in the video-

Cultivation of Turmeric Cultivation takes six or seven months. Two quintals of turmeric seeds are sown in one bigha, which we get for 1500 to 1800 rupees per quintal. Four to five irrigations have to be done. The distance between trees is kept one feet and the distance between lines is also one feet. In the end, the cost of one bigha comes to 6000 to 7000 rupees. About 25 to 30 quintals of raw material is produced in one bigha, the rate of which is between 2500 to 3000. One bigha can give an income of about 1 lakh rupees.

Important things- 20 quintals of raw material is produced from one bigha, which is reduced to one-fourth after boiling and drying. The demand for turmeric has increased from Middle East, America, Europe and Southeast Asian countries for export to India. After this, the price of turmeric has increased by 4 percent to Rs 60-62 per kilogram in the last one week.

Tags: Food Business