Start online advertising work in this way for Rs. 50,000 and earn more than Rs. 1 crore every month


New Delhi. If you are tired of your job, you can start your own business today. For this, you should have only 50 thousand rupees. This business is of online hoardings. In this digital era, online hoardings business can prove to be a profitable deal for you. For this, News18 spoke to Deepti Awasthi Sharma, founder of outdoor advertising startup company Let us tell you that Deepti is earning more than 1 crore every month from this business. So let us know from her how you can start online hoarding business and how much money can be earned in it.

Crores will be earned in just one year
Deepti Awasthi Sharma was only 27 years old when she started the business of online hoardings in the year 2016. Due to lack of much money, Deepti started the work of online hoardings by investing only 50 thousand rupees. However, from the very next year, 12 crores started coming in.. and after a year, the turnover of Deepti’s company increased to more than 20. Deepti says, I started the business of digital hoardings in 2016 with a very small amount of 50 thousand. This idea was successful and started earning in a short time. Explaining the reason behind starting the digital hoarding business, she says, when I did research on it, I found that this field is working in a very unorganized manner and in this digital world, people want everything at home. In such a situation, this business seemed to be a completely profitable deal.

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Know how this business started
This work can be started with the help of marketing and technology. For this, you just have to create a website in your domain name. You will have to promote it yourself. In the beginning, you should see where and how people are looking for a place to advertise and you can contact them. This business grows rapidly. Because these days people want to advertise sitting at home.

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This is how Deepti’s company works
First of all, the customer has to login on the website of After this, he has to go to the website and search and select his location (where he wants to get the hoarding installed). After the location is selected, a mail is sent to the company. After that, the company sends a confirmation of the availability of the site and location, then the artwork and order comes from the customer. An ID and password is provided to go live on the location site. Let us tell you that this company charges around 1 lakh rupees for getting a hoarding installed for a period of one month.

Tags: how to earn money, New Business Idea, online business, Startup Idea