Benjamin Netanyahu rebuke International Court of Justice terms Israel occupation of Palestinian territory illegal | ICJ On Israel: ICJ said


ICJ On Israel: The UN’s top court has declared the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory illegal. In this regard, a panel of 15 judges said, Israel abused its power and position which is making its presence in the Palestinian territory illegal. The ICJ i.e. International Court of Justice said on Friday (July 19, 2024) that Israel has occupied the Palestinian territories for decades, which should be ended as soon as possible.

Let us tell you that at the request of the United Nations General Assembly, the International Court of Justice had called a meeting of advisors. The United Nations General Assembly had also sought legal clarity on Israel’s policies of occupation of the Palestinian territory including East Jerusalem. President and Judge of the International Court of Justice Nawaf Salam said that according to the court, Israel’s presence in the Palestinian territories is completely illegal and it should be liberated.

What did Benjamin Netanyahu say?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also reacted to the decision of the International Court of Justice. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu completely rejected the ICJ’s opinion, calling it a false decision. Netanyahu issued a statement saying, ‘Jews are not occupying their land, neither are they trying to occupy the capital Jerusalem nor any other area.’

‘Cannot be disputed’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, ‘No lie in the Hague can deny the truth and it is not possible to dispute the legitimacy of Israeli settlements.’ At the same time, most speakers at the International Court of Justice warned of danger, urging Israel to end the occupation.

‘Israel will remain in control’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a surprise visit to the Rafah crossing in Gaza on Friday (July 19, 2024) and spoke of maintaining Israel’s control over the entire Gaza-Egypt border. He said, Israel will retain control of the Rafah crossing even after a ceasefire agreement is reached. It is reported that Netanyahu also inspected the Philadelphia Corridor, the border area between Gaza and Egypt.

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