Lijjat Papad success story start business only Rs 80 now Thousand crore turnover know how varpat


New Delhi. Be it a wedding or a celebration or a festival… Lijjat Papad is there every time… Karram, Kurram… Kurram Karram… Yes. The same Lijjat Papad which you must have seen in ads on your TV since childhood… which has been in your kitchen and supermarket for years. Even today, whenever the eyes see Lijjat Papad, a sense of trust and women empowerment is reflected in them. There is hardly anyone in India who is not aware of the delicious Lijjat Papad. As popular as Lijjat Papad is, its success story is equally great. Lijjat Papad, started by seven friends and housewives, has today become a successful and inspiring story. Today this company is providing employment to 45,000 women across India. So let us know how 7 women started a business for Rs 80 and then made it famous all over the world. Today this company is earning in crores.

This journey started from here…
Mumbai resident Jaswanti Jamnadas laid the foundation of Lijjat Papad for the first time in the year 1959 along with her 6 friends. The motive behind starting this was not to start an industry or to earn more money. Through this, they wanted to contribute to their family expenses. Since these women were not very educated, they had to face many difficulties in working outside the home. Therefore, these Gujarati women planned to make and sell papad, which they could make while staying at home. Jaswanti Jamnadas Popat decided that she and her colleagues Parvatiben Ramdas Thodani, Ujamben Narandas Kundaliya, Banuben Tanna, Laguben Amritlal Gokani, Jayaben Vithlani would start making papad. There was another woman with them, who was entrusted with the responsibility of selling papads.

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Business started with borrowed money
With the borrowed 80 rupees, the women bought a papad making machine and also bought the necessary materials for making papad. Initially, the women made four packets of papad and sold them to a trader. After this, the trader asked the women for more papad. After this, the women started working hard day and night and the sales kept increasing by leaps and bounds. After this, the trader asked them to improve the quality of the papad. Along with this, he also helped these women in training them about account management, marketing, etc. This group of seven women became a cooperative system. Needy women above the age of 18 were added to it. The Lijjat papad business gave them an annual income of Rs 6196 at that time and soon, thousands of women started joining it.

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Turnover of thousand crores
Lijjat Papad has been awarded the Economic Times Business Woman of the Year Award in 2002, the country’s Best Cottage Industry Award in 2003 and the Brand Equity Award by the then President of the country Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam in 2005. The papad business, which started with a loan of Rs 80, is now spread across the world and its turnover is around Rs 100 crore.