Daughter fell in love with her ‘brother’, when mother investigated about the father, such truth came out that everyone was shocked


Sperm donation technology has proved to be a boon for many families. But a woman had probably never imagined that this technology would lead to a strange problem. This woman is upset ever since she found out that her daughter has fallen in love with her own stepbrother. This revelation is also a unique story which revealed the truth that was specifically hidden.

This story was narrated by the girl’s mother, Nicolette, in a Netflix documentary. She became a mother using the sperm of Dutch musician and blogger Jonathan Meziere. But she had no idea how many sperm Meziere was donating elsewhere. In Netflix’s new documentary The Man with 1,000 Kids, she revealed that she had contacted several other parents who had become parents through Meziere’s donation.

Meziere traveled the world, hoping to father a record number of children through sperm donation. He told women his sperm would only produce offspring for five mothers. In reality, the figure could be 500 or even more.

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Jonathan Mezier has donated sperm in many countries. (Photo: Youtube)

“We organised a siblings day, and then it got very real. My daughter knows several of her brothers, and she likes one of them very much. And I said ‘That’s not an option, he’s your stepbrother’. But the girl, who was 10 or 11 at the time, insisted, ‘But, maybe I love him’,” Nicolette said.

The strangest part of the story is that when Nicolette asked him how many children Meijer had fathered, he kept evasive. When parents’ groups investigated in every region, from Russia to Mexico, they found that Jonathan had donated the maximum number of sperm.

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This increases the chance that the two children may meet later in life and have children of their own, with a risk of terrible birth defects. “They call it the ‘Luke and Leia complex,’” says one mother. “Children who have not been raised together are less likely to be attracted to each other because they see something familiar in a sibling’s face,”

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