Barack Obama Against Joe Biden in US presidential elections raised questions


US Elections 2024: Questions are increasing on Joe Biden’s candidature in the US presidential election. According to the Washington Post, now former US President Barack Obama has also raised questions on Joe Biden’s candidature. According to the newspaper, Obama has told his colleagues that Joe Biden himself needs to reconsider. At present, there has been no tweet or statement from Obama on this issue.

The Washington Post quoted people close to Obama as saying that Obama believes that Joe Biden’s path to victory has narrowed. 81-year-old Biden should ‘seriously consider the feasibility of his candidacy’. The report also clarified that there was no immediate comment from Obama. Obama was the President of the United States from 2009 to 2017, at that time Joe Biden was the Vice President from the Democratic Party and he was very influential in the party.

Biden was weakened in the debate against Trump
After this report, experts believe that Obama is the biggest Democratic leader so far, who has joined the growing voice in the party that is against Biden’s claim. In fact, after the poor performance in the debate against Donald Trump, Democratic leaders are demanding to oust Joe Biden from the election.

Biden is not backing down
Joe Biden is isolating at his beach house due to Covid. Biden has dismissed questions about his age and fitness. He has made it clear that he will remain in the race for the White House. However, the pressure is now increasing, as both Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries have also met with Joe Biden in recent days. During this, they have said that Biden’s candidacy could put the party’s chances of victory in danger.

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