SOP issued for mass marriage scheme in UP, 1 lakh couples will get married in the state


UP Wedding Latest News: For the proper implementation of the mass marriage scheme started for the marriage of needy daughters in Uttar Pradesh, the Social Welfare Department has further defined the rules and procedures and issued SOP It has been prepared. According to this, now instructions have been issued to conduct marriages of less than 100 couples at one place in the districts and in case of marriage of more than 100 couples, the event should be organised in the presence of the District Magistrate.

At the time of the event, along with a separate registration counter for confirmation of eligible couples, the Deputy Director of the division and the District Social Welfare Officer of the nearby district will also be present on the spot to take stock of all the arrangements and submit a report to the department. As per the set budget, the department has set a target of marrying 1,06,911 couples in this financial year."apple-converted-space"> 

These provisions were made

Provisions have been made for random verification of 10 percent of the couples selected for mass marriage by the revenue or other department officials on the instructions of the District Magistrate. The district level committee has been given the responsibility to strengthen the verification process."apple-converted-space">  In which the report will be put by the investigation officer on the verification format generated from the portal. During the investigation, it will be confirmed from the people present in the neighborhood that they are not already married, so that ineligible people cannot get the benefit of the scheme under any circumstances.

Along with strengthening the verification process, now only those applications approved by the concerned Block Development Officer, Executive Officer and District Social Welfare Officer with digital signature will be able to participate in mass marriage. During the application, a system of online application has also been made on the portal only when the age of the groom is more than 21 years and the age of the bride is more than 18 years through Aadhaar demographic authentication.

This is what the newly married couple gets from the government

The government deposits Rs. 35,000 in the girl’s account for the happiness of the new couple in the mass marriage ceremony and to start their household in the right way. Rs. 10,000 is spent on the necessary items for the wedding like clothes, toe rings, anklets, utensils etc. Apart from this, the department has fixed an expenditure of Rs. 6,000 per couple to make all the arrangements for the wedding as per the standards.

This is how you can join the scheme 

Under this scheme, online website To get benefits under the scheme, beneficiaries can apply with Aadhaar. Applicants can fill their application form from Jan Suvidha Kendra (Common Service Center), District Social Welfare Officer Office, Cyber ​​Cafe, Private Internet Center or Department Website. The applicant must apply at least one week before the scheduled date of marriage. Applications will be accepted on first come, first served basis.

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