How to marry a rich man? … Love Guru is teaching tricks, earning 163 crores, printing notes even after the ban!


You must have generally seen people taking different coaching classes to improve their skills. They learn the things they don’t know from experts. However, you would have hardly seen a coaching class that teaches how to get a rich partner for yourself. In the neighboring country China, a woman is running a proper course and teaching girls how to get rich boys.

According to the report of South China Morning Post, the woman’s name is Le Chuanku, who is a social media influencer. She is a controversial love guru who teaches women how they can marry a rich man. The interesting thing is that she is teaching others to impress the rich and is herself earning Rs 163 crore a year from this work. This case is from China.

She is running a course on how to impress rich boys
Chuanku gives advice to people by taking money from them during live-stream. She charges Rs 12,945 for giving one advice. The fee for her most liked course is Rs 43,179. Apart from this, she charges Rs 1,16,927 per month for personal consultation. Not only this, apart from social media, she also organizes many workshops and seminars on this subject. At these places, she gives guidance to people to make plans regarding dating.

It is banned, yet notes are being printed
Love Guru Chuanku has been banned on the local social media platform Weibo due to controversies. However, she is still running her strange business with the help of AI technology, private channel and personal PR and is printing crores of rupees annually. People are giving different reactions to this business. Some users say that if she is teaching how to get money and love together, then what is wrong in it? At the same time, some users are saying that she is teaching girls to be dependent on boys instead of standing on their own feet.

Tags: Amazing news, Viral news, Weird news