How far is the Earth’s boundary in space? What is the name of this borderline, know interesting facts


    The question of where the Earth ends and where the space begins has been around for centuries. But the answer is very simple. This boundary line is called Kármán line. The Kármán Line is a boundary approximately 100 kilometers above sea level. Below here is the Earth’s atmosphere, while above it is space. However, it cannot be a line. Because its height also keeps increasing and decreasing depending on the humidity of the earth and the height of the places.

    According to scientists, the Earth’s atmosphere does not end suddenly. At higher altitudes it becomes thinner and thinner, meaning there is no definite upper limit. According to international law, outer space will be for everyone. Anyone can do research here. But there is no specific definition and law as to where it actually starts. For example, for NASA and the US military, space starts at an altitude of about 80 kilometers. But for the Federation Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) and other countries, the Kármán line starts a little above 100 kilometers.

    Then how was this decided?
    According to scientists, as an aircraft climbs to altitude, the density of the surrounding air becomes less and less. People start having difficulty in breathing. Cabin air is required to save them. But being above the Kármán line means that the air there will become very thin where normal aircraft cannot fly. Even if we go here, it will be difficult to save people’s lives. The plane is kept aloft by a special force. It needs pull from the force of gravity. But on going up, the force of gravity will not work and the plane will stop working.

    In whose name was this line built?
    The Kármán line is named after Theodore von Kármán, a Hungarian-American physicist who attempted to define the boundary between Earth and outer space in 1957. Carman also worked on hypersonic airflow, supersonic speed and aerodynamics. After 60 years all this became a big industry.

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