Hit by storm, man walked 50 km, faced difficulties to reach daughter’s wedding!


His daughter’s marriage is a very special day in the life of any father. In India, the father makes all the preparations for the daughter’s wedding, but in foreign countries, the father is invited and goes to the wedding separately, like other guests. Despite this, his feelings are those of his father. Because of this, he does not want to miss his daughter’s wedding under any circumstances. Recently an American father (USA father walked 50 km to daughter wedding) also did the same. To go to the wedding, he faced storms and traveled 50 km on foot to reach the wedding ceremony.

Positive and emotional photos and videos are often posted on the Instagram account Good News Movement. Recently, it was told about a man who fought even the storms to attend his daughter’s wedding. This man named David Jones lived in South Carolina and he had to go to Tennessee for his daughter Elizabeth’s wedding. Although it would have taken him only 2 hours to drive there, he had to face a lot of problems due to Hurricane Helen. The roads were no longer suitable for driving.