72 year old woman gets a job, you see the rollercoaster remains thrilling, yet the job seems easy!


Roller coaster rides are not for everyone. But most people consider it a thrilling task. For adventure lovers, it is a relaxing experience. But people do even more dangerous work. A 72-year-old grandmother has got such a job. She has been appointed as the Chief Ride Tester at a theme park named Alt Towers. But compared to her previous experience, this job seems very easy.

Former performance specialist Jacqui Smith, who has completed more than 5,000 parachute jumps worldwide, is on a one-year contract to make the theme park’s attractions thrill punters. She said: “It’s a huge honour to be appointed Alton Towers’ first Chief Thrillseeker. My first experience on the iconic Nemesis Reborn certainly lived up to my high standards for thrills, it felt like I was jumping for the first time all over again.”

The pensioner joined the British Army Parachute Regiment’s freefall display team, the Red Devils, at the age of 19, as the regiment’s first female. Jackie’s new job will come handy given her past experience as she was one of the famous Red Devils who jumped behind the Iron Curtain in the 1970s.

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Jackie has done many more thrilling activities like parachute jumping. (Photo: X/ Alton Towers Resort)

As well as ensuring the rollercoasters are bone-chilling enough, Jackie’s role at Alton Towers will also see her attend the Thrillseeker Summit, held once every couple of years, to “ensure the resort continues to deliver the best experiences for guests of all ages”.

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“Our three-member Red Devils team were invited to compete in a competition in Hungary in 1974,” says Jackie, who has four grandchildren aged two to 11. “It was still behind the Iron Curtain at that time, so there was a lot of nervousness,” she says. “The authorities were worried we might be spying for Britain, so armed guards followed us everywhere, even to the drop zone. We couldn’t even go to the toilet without an escort.”

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