2000 year old Liquor Found In Spain before this 1700 year old wine was discovered in Germany

Liquor Found In Spain : It is being claimed that 2000-year-old wine has been found in Spain. Scientists have confirmed this in a study. This wine has been found in a funeral urn during excavation in southern Spain. This incident happened during the excavation of a house in Carmono in 2019, after which a team of scientists from the University of Cordoba started research on it. Now the research papers have been published on Monday.

Jose Rafael Arrebola, professor of organic chemistry at the university and lead author of the study, said that the remains of the funeral, burnt elephant teeth and about 4.5 liters of red liquid were found in the urn. When the urn was opened, we were scared. The team then examined the things found in the urn. The liquid found in the urn was nothing but wine. The professor said that wine usually evaporates, but it was intact. What we have found is almost impossible to find. However, the wine was preserved through a seal, which prevented it from evaporating, but it could not be clear how it was formed.

It contains minerals of today’s era

The professor said that the team identified this liquid as white wine. It did not contain syringic acid, which is a substance present only in red wine. He said that the minerals in it are also similar to the fino wine found today. This is something unique. Researchers believe that their discovery has achieved a new record of the oldest wine in liquid state. Earlier this record was held by Spear Wine in Germany, which is believed to be about 1,700 years old. However, the age of Spear Wine has not been confirmed through chemical analysis. It was one of the 6 funeral urns found in the tomb. The professor said that the discovery of a gold ring and a valuable artifact suggests that it was made by a very wealthy family. However, till now this record was held by the 1700-year-old wine discovered in Germany.

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